I have ADD and was not diagnosed until my 30s — and then only by chance because my psychiatrist specializes in child psychiatry and recognized the symptoms immediately. I dismissed her at first, as I’d always blamed my chaotic thinking on other things (a dysfunctional childhood, later fibromyalgia, which causes cognitive issues). But as I thought about it more, I decided that it actually DID fit me. I never had the H part… but the rest of it, absolutely.
Adderall XR has made an enormous difference in my ability to function, so I find statements like this more than a bit offensive. There’s also an implication that I, someone prescribed the medication for a recognized condition, am simply a drug addict, which is equally offensive.
Even if the drugs are the same, the usage doesn’t necessarily equate as being the same. I am sure there are people who use meth who have undiagnosed ADD… but for those who aren’t, it’s not fair to compare those of us who have ADHD/ADD to drug abusers. It adds stigma to an already stigmatized illness.
Now, that being said, drug addiction of any sort having stigma is a problem in and of itself… addiction is also an illness.