Member-only story
The Depressive Sea
This depression is an uncharted ocean,
and I am an explorer, dropped from the sky,
who must somehow map it without help
Unruly and unpredictable, it leaves me guessing
at its moods
Sometimes placid enough that I forget it is an ocean
and think I am in a small lake, close to land
Until winds chap my cheeks and sea spray
leaves my skin cold
A storm raging around me
Love has guided me safely
through my darkness in the past
Shining from the coast to remind me I am not alone
But there is no shoreline to be seen this time
And as the ocean undulates beneath me,
I struggle to remain afloat
I close my mouth so as not to take on water
that will surely pull me under
He would be my anchor
if only I let him
And sometimes I do
But the problem with anchors is
they must sink beneath the surface to work
And I am afraid this sea will drown him if he
tries to save me