This phenomenon sadly extends beyond Walmart now. I had to delete my great-aunt — a woman in her friggin’ 70s — because she posted a picture of a fat woman in what she deemed an “unflattering” outfit and advised women to wear skirts if they had figures like that. Her female friends all chimed in with nasty, snide comments — as if they were a bunch of girls in junior high.
I tried to calmly and rationally reason with her (and them), and I pointed out that my body is shaped like that woman’s, and that I am, in fact, a LOT bigger than that woman is… and she immediately responded with a fuckload of thin privilege BS. Oh, and ultimately insisted I didn’t care about her feelings because she wasn’t fat. That I needed to evaluate my response to the photo if I found it that upsetting… etc, etc. I did evaluate it, wrote about it here and sent her the piece, then blocked her. I have a feeling it’s not what she had in mind. :)