You're right. It does say far more about me. It says that I, unlike you, have compassion and empathy. It says that I don't see a fat Black girl and assume she's a villain, like you did.
I can see a 16 year-old girl living in a foster home that has a history of 911 calls going back years as a human being. I can imagine that she was terrified when attacked by others who came to HER home... and started a fight. I can imagine that having been a part of the foster system for a long ass time she undoubtedly suffered some pretty severe trauma.
I can imagine that she felt her life was at risk when she armed herself with a knife against young women in their 20s.
I know that a person with possible mental health challenges, someone who has undoubtedly known major trauma, a person who was killed over something as trivial as unmade beds, does not deserve to be called a "nutcase," and that's true regardless of whether or not you think the cop was justified in shooting her.